LCD Init

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Up to LCD.DLL Functions


INT LCD_Init( <STRING connectionname> )

Initializes LCD.DLL.


STRING connectionname - The name of the connection. This will be displayed when browsing LCD connections on the LCD.


INT : LCD.DLL Errorcodes

LCD_ERROR_NONE - 0 - No error.
LCD_ERROR_RPCSSERVERUNAVAILABLE - -10 - The RPC Server is unavailable.
LCD_ERROR_RPCXWRONGPIPEVERSION - -11 - RPC X: wrong pipe version
LCD_ERROR_OLDWINVERSION - -12 - Old Windows Version (must be 2000 or higher)
LCD_ERROR_NOSYSTEMRESOURCES - -13 - No system resources available.
LCD_ERROR_SERVICEINACTIVE - -14 - The service is inactive.
LCD_ERROR_ALREADYINITIALIZED - -16 - LCD.DLL was already initialized.
LCD_ERROR_INVALIDPARAMETER - -22 - Invalid parameter.
LCD_ERROR_FILENOTFOUND - -23 - File not found.
LCD_ERROR_ALREADYEXISTS - -24 - File or connection already exists.

LCD.DLL Functions