Colors are widely used in Fenix/Bennu. They are used for example in text functions.
In 8 bit color mode, the color corresponds with the palette index (0..255); in 16 bit color mode the color corresponds with an RGB value (0..65535): 5 bits for red, 6 bits for green and 5 bits for blue. In 32bit mode the code is 0xRRGGBBAA, two letters meaning one byte: 8 bits for each component.
The RGB(A) values of a color can be obtained with get_rgb() and get_rgba().
Note that in many cases the color 0 means transparent! Consider the difference between:
In the first case, the graphic (file,graph) will be made fully transparent. In the second case, the graphic will be made the blackest black Bennu can muster, given the current color depth. In 8bit mode, both will be made transparent.
This is a test program to show when a color is black or transparent:
import "mod_video" import "mod_map" import "mod_key" import "mod_proc" Const DEPTH = 32; End Process Main() Private int map_trans; int map_black; Begin set_mode(320,200,DEPTH); map_trans = new_map(100,100,DEPTH); map_clear(0,map_trans,0); map_black = new_map(100,100,DEPTH); map_clear(0,map_black,rgb(0,0,0)); map_clear(0,BACKGROUND,rgb(50,50,50)); g(120,100,0,map_trans); g(200,100,0,map_black); Repeat frame; Until(key(_ESC)) let_me_alone(); End Process g(int x, int y, int file, int graph) Begin Loop frame; End End
Used in example: set_mode(), map_clear(), rgb(), new_map(), let_me_alone()