Draw curve

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INT draw_curve ( <INT x0> , <INT y0> , <INT x1> , <INT y1> , <INT x2> , <INT y2> , <INT x3> , <INT y3> , <INT smoothness> )

Draws a curve starting at the point (x0,y0), ending at the point (x3,y3) and influenced by the points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) with a certain level of smoothness.


INT x0 - The x coordinate of the starting point of the curve.
INT y0 - The y coordinate of the starting point of the curve.
INT x1 - The x coordinate of the first influence point of the curve.
INT y1 - The x coordinate of the first influence point of the curve.
INT x2 - The x coordinate of the second influence point of the curve.
INT y2 - The x coordinate of the second influence point of the curve.
INT x3 - The x coordinate of the end point of the curve.
INT y3 - The y coordinate of the end point of the curve.
INT smoothness - The smoothness with which the line will be drawn from 1 to 15, 15 being the smoothest.


INT : DrawID

-1 - Error.
1 - If drawn after drawing_map().
!-1&&!1 - The DrawID of the drawing created.


import "mod_draw"
import "mod_video"
import "mod_mouse"
import "mod_map"

scr_width = 640, scr_height=480;

Process main()
    /* Check that we can set the video mode before actually setting it */
    if(!mode_is_ok(scr_width, scr_height, 16, MODE_WINDOW))
        return -1;
    set_mode(scr_width, scr_height, 16, MODE_WINDOW);

    /* Draw three long bezier lines with different colors and smoothnesses */
    drawing_map(0, 0);
    drawing_color(rgb(255, 0, 0));
    draw_curve(0, scr_height/4, scr_width/4, 0, 3*scr_width/4, 2*scr_height/4,
               scr_width, scr_height/4, 1);
    drawing_color(rgb(0, 255, 0));
    draw_curve(0, 2*scr_height/4, scr_width/4, scr_height/4, 3*scr_width/4,
               3*scr_height/4, scr_width, 2*scr_height/4, 3);
    drawing_color(rgb(0, 0, 255));
    draw_curve(0, 3*scr_height/4, scr_width/4, 2*scr_height/4, 3*scr_width/4,
               4*scr_height/4, scr_width, 3*scr_height/4, 15);

    while(! mouse.left)

    // Delete all the lines

Used in example: mode_is_ok(), set_mode(), drawing_map() drawing_color(), rgb(), draw_curve(), delete_draw()

Drawing Functions